What to expect at my child’s 2 year review

All children will receive a two year old review by a health care professional between their 2nd birthday and when they reach two years and six months. Parents will be asked to complete a questionnaire prior to the visit from their health care professional. Within the questionnaire there will be statements and parents will have to decide if they feel their child is a yes, sometimes, or not yet for each skill. The questionnaire covers areas such as your child’s speech and understanding, motor skills, problem solving and social skills. You know your child best and the completed questionnaire will allow your health professional to understand how your child is developing and whether they need any extra help or assessment.  This review is a great opportunity to ask for advice in any areas such as eating, sleeping talking etc.

 The Health Visitor will weigh your child and measure their height to ensure that these are in a “normal range” for their age. The Health Visitor will also want to discuss your child’s sleeping arrangements, dental/oral hygiene, behavioural strategies and vaccination record. The best thing you can do as a parent is to be as honest as you can about your child’s development. The more accurate information you provide, the better assessment they can make. By providing as much information as possible, you may help to highlight any potential development issues, which is critical so that your child can be given the required support or referred to the appropriate agencies as early as possible. 

During the review the following areas will be covered:

Here at First Steps your child’s keyworker will also provide information in relation to your child’s development in the three prime areas of the EYFS. (Early Years Foundation Stage) Communication and language, personal, social and emotional development and physical development. Your child’s strengths and achievements will be celebrated and areas for development will be identified within the review. If you ever have any questions regarding your child’s development please always speak to a member of the team at drop off or collection time, we are always here to listen and help.  




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