Autumn Activities
This month in preschool at First Steps in Poole, we have been focusing on the new season and the changes we can see in our environment in Autumn. Autumn is the perfect time for children to enjoy the wonders of nature. The crisp autumn air, colourful crunchy leaves and weird and wonderful fungi mean it’s an exciting season to go out and explore all that the natural world has to offer. With that in mind Tiff and the preschool team set the children a home learning task of going on an autumnal walk to see what treasures they could collect.
Autumn treasures
The children have all come back to preschool proudly showing us their bag of goodies they have found. We have had large tuff trays out so the children can explore their own and each other’s items, the practitioners have spoken to them about colours and textures and the names of the different items they have found. This was a fantastic opportunity for group discussions and to further develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Many of the children were very keen to tell us what they had found on their walks and show their peers too.
Exploring Autumn
We also made some Autumnal collages with our items and the children really enjoyed getting messy with their gluing and sticking. We have had brightly coloured autumn leaves, fur cones, conkers, acorns, twigs, seeds and even a snail shell to explore.
Autumn collage
During circle time we have also discussed some of the wildlife we think might live in the environments we explored on our walks, some of the children told us they saw squirrels and birds. We spoke about the homes they might live in and what they might eat. This was a fantastic opportunity for new learning and language. We have also shared stories about Autumn and the children have done really well at spotting some of their autumnal items within the stories. We will be continuing to have activities that incorporate the topic of Autumn to imbed the children’s learning and explore the world around them.
Thank you to all the parents that took their children on Autumnal walks - we love seeing the children so enthusiastic to share their findings and engage in new and exciting activities whilst at preschool.
If you would like to find out more about our Preschool at First Steps Nursery in Oakdale, Poole contact us today to book a tour.