How much does a day nursery cost and what is included in the fees?

Most Day nurseries are privately owned businesses, and as such their fees will vary depending on many different factors including; opening hours and session lengths, what the fees include i.e. nappies, food, drinks and snacks, their individual overheads such as rent/mortgage payments, business rates and the payroll costs of the team they employ.

In the Bournemouth and Poole area, 2023 fees at nurseries range in price from £61 per day to £85 per day for babies under the age of 2 (based on the equivalent rate for the hours of 7.30-6).

At First Steps Day nursery in Oakdale, our all-inclusive fees work out at £78 per day for babies under 2 – they include all nappies, wipes and barrier cream, all food, drinks and snacks and of course all the activities and resources used.

When you visit a nursery, it is worth checking what the fees include, as some nurseries may add on additional extras such as early starts (7-8am) and late finishes (5-6pm) as well as additional lunch and tea costs. You may also be expected to supply your own nappies and wipes and pay a premium if you run out and use the nursery emergency supply!

Choosing a nursery is a very personal choice, as what suits one family may not suit another and nurseries are all very different. When visiting you will usually get a good feel for the one that will be perfect for you and your child and whilst in today’s climate, we may all be being careful with our budgets, when it come to our precious children, cheaper is often not better.


Flutter like a Butterfly


What is a Day Nursery and what services do they offer?