What is a Day Nursery and what services do they offer?

A Day nursery provides a safe and structured learning environment for children under the age of five, where they can play, learn skills, be part of a group and make friends whilst their parents go to work. In the UK, nurseries are registered with Ofsted, (The office for standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills). They are responsible for inspecting a range of educational services which also includes nurseries.

Most nurseries are open for full days, all year round. First Steps Nursery in Oakdale, Poole, is open from 7.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday for 51 weeks a year (they close for the week between Christmas and New Year and all public bank holidays).

The daily nursery routine of indoor and outdoor play time, nap time and meal times, helps your child to feel more confident and secure, in control of their feelings and is great preparation for their onward transition to school. Children who attend nurseries learn at a young age how to share and take turns, they learn from their peers by copying and helping each other. They make strong connections and friendships with others and through these interactions, they develop wider vocabulary and language whilst also developing empathy for others.

Another benefit of a child attending a day nursery is the added confidence that having time outside of their family unit will give them. By learning to complete tasks by themselves, spending time with their peers and taking part in activities with others, they will learn valuable lessons that will prepare them for school and the outside world.

At First Steps, we offer a wide range of activities and experiences to keep your child engaged and learning new things. Our caring team will ensure that your little one’s are kept safe and happy whilst they are busy exploring, experimenting and getting messy!


How much does a day nursery cost and what is included in the fees?


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