Leavers Show 2023

Our leavers show for the children who are heading off to big school in September is always one of our highlights of the year. It is a fantastic way to say goodbye to the children and families and wish them lots of luck.

First Steps leavers show


Today the children did us extremely proud by putting on the most fantastic show. Over the weeks the children have been practicing hard, perfecting the words to the songs and of course showing us their best dance moves. They looked amazing today in their outfits for each song and of course they enjoyed some of the surprises like using the water guns on all the parents watching. A big thank you to some of our fantastic Dads who came up to participate in our dance off. You were all fantastic and great sports, the children thoroughly enjoyed being on stage with you.


The practices and show are a fantastic opportunity to build the children’s self-confidence and self-esteem. They have enjoyed cheering each other on during the practices and working hard as a team to sing and dance together. We love watching their personalities come out on the stage and of course we have had a few treats along the way to keep us motivated (ice cream and sweets seem to have done the trick).


Lauren worked hard to put together a slideshow showing the children’s highlights in preschool and also one to show us how much they have grown since they first started with us. It is  lovely to see their journey at First Steps and how much they have changed and grown. We think some tissues may have been used for some tears from the parents during this.


Tiff has also been working hard to make sure each child had a graduation pack to take home with some lovely keepsakes. We hope you all enjoyed looking through these at home with your child.


We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of the children the best of luck in their new adventure at school, we know they are going to be brilliant. Also a huge thank you to our parents for their continued support of the nursery, we have loved having your children and being a part of their journey. You are all a huge part of the First Steps Family and we hope to see lots of you back for holiday club. Well done Class of 2023 you are all amazing!


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